Month: December 2017
December 25, 2017
A Good Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been charged with a crime and are looking at some serious penalties, seek the help of a criminal defense lawyer immediately. A criminal defense lawyer can negotiate in the court and work the sentence to prevent you from winding back up in the criminal justice system. He or she can also help […]
December 18, 2017
DWI Blood Testing In New Jersey
The police in New Jersey are legally allowed to stop a driver for suspicion of driving while intoxicated (DWI). When the police stop a driver for suspicion of DWI, a Breathalyzer test will be done on the driver to check his or her blood alcohol concentration (BAC). If the Breathalyzer test finds that the legal […]
December 5, 2017
Is Riding a Bicycle While Intoxicated a DWI Offense in New Jersey?
The DWI statute of New Jersey only applies to drivers who operate motor vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes, and ATVs. The statute regards a bicycle as a two-wheeled vehicle and not a motor vehicle. Drinking and riding a bicycle, is not treated as a DWI offense in New Jersey. However, it does not […]